Our Enrolled Agents can act on behalf of an individual or business during an audit conducted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The purpose of an audit representation is to ensure that the taxpayer’s interests are protected, and the audit process is handled appropriately.

We will help prepare for the audit by reviewing financial records, identifying potential issues, and ensuring that all relevant documentation is organized and readily available.

We will act as intermediaries between the taxpayer and the tax authorities. We will handle all communication, including written correspondence and meetings, to ensure that the taxpayer’s rights are protected.

If discrepancies are identified during the audit, we will negotiate with tax authorities on behalf of the client. The goal is to reach a fair and reasonable resolution to minimize potential liabilities.

In the event of an unfavorable audit outcome, we will guide clients through the appeals process. This may involve representing the client’s interests before an appeals officer and presenting the case for reconsideration.

Please call us at:

Orange County

9191Bolsa Ave suite 227 228, Westminster, CA 92683


Phone: (714) 733-9377

San Diego

7323 Convoy Ct, San Diego, CA 92111


Phone: (858) 573-1188